Not everyone keeps track of their old addresses or can find former addresses. It’s normal for people to have their mail forwarded when they move to a new place. Unfortunately, if you’re asked to provide some of your previous addresses, this could pose a problem for you.
Thankfully, there are ways you can locate previous addresses, even if you need all of your addresses for the last 10 years. You’ll probably have to get those addresses from multiple sources, but you should be able to find everything that you’re looking for.
Know What To Look For
You may not remember your old addresses exactly, but it’s likely that you have general memories of the places that you used to live. You should put together a list of the addresses you need to find. From there, you can search for these old addresses.
Once you find an address, you can make note of the correct address and cross that address off your list. If you’re organized, you’ll find that it’s much easier for you to track down all of the information that you need.
Look At Your Online Order History
If you do a lot of online shopping, you may be able to use this to track down addresses you’ve lived at in the past. Major e-commerce sites like Amazon keep track of old orders. If you dig deep into your history, you’ll be able to look at old orders and find the addresses that these items were shipped to.
You can also search your email for past purchases. Go through old emails and see if you have any that mention old addresses. Use your email’s search function so that you can find those addresses quickly.
Use Online Tools
There are a number of online tools that allow you to enter a person’s name and see some of the addresses that person has lived at. These tools are far from perfect, but they can be a very helpful resource.
When you use these tools, you’ll find some of your past addresses, but it’s also likely that you’ll see locations that you never lived at before. Because of this, you shouldn’t just copy down all of the addresses that come up. You should always verify and make sure those addresses are accurate.
Check Tax Records And Credit Reports
You may be able to stay on top of your finances and search for previous addresses at the same time. If you pull copies of your tax records for the last 10 years, you’ll be able to find the addresses that you were living at when you filed.
Your credit report should also contain many of the addresses that you have lived at previously. If you do this, you’ll want to make sure you pull all three credit reports. Not all of these reports are going to contain the same information.
Look For Old Job Offers
Were you emailed a job offer years ago? If you still have that email, you might be able to find an address there. Start going through your emails and see what you can track down.
A lot of people don’t realize how much information can be found on job offers, applications, and similar documents. The more of this information you can find, the better. It’s a great way to locate old addresses that you haven’t found.
Don’t know where to find all of your past addresses for the last 10 years? Thankfully, tracking down old addresses doesn’t have to be complicated. There are lots of resources available, and with a little bit of effort, you should be able to find all of the information you need.
Matt is the owner of In addition to blogging about public records industry-related topics he runs an online advertising agency.